House of Representatives Honors Mark McGwire
WASHINGTON, DC The House, today, honored a true American hero, Mark McGwire. Rep. Jim Talent (R-Mo.) introduced House Resolution 520, congratulating St. Louis Cardinal Mark McGwire for breaking the Major League Baseball single-season home run record. The resolution passed unopposed by voice vote.
"Mark McGwire is a true American hero," said Rep. Jim Talent. "Not only has he proven to be a superior athlete, but he has brought baseball and sportsmanship to a new level. He has set a standard of professionalism and humanity that American can look up to, and he has done so with humility and grace," Talent continued. "It is my pleasure to offer this resolution honoring such a stellar athlete and person."
The text of the resolution is attached. For more information, contact
Kristin Young at (202) 225-2561.
H. RES. 520
Congratulating Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals for breaking the Major League Baseball single-season home run record.
September 15, 1998
Mr. TALENT submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight.
Congratulating Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals for breaking the Major League Baseball single-season home run record.
Whereas the game of baseball is America's national pastime;
Whereas one of the grandest records in baseball, and indeed in all sport, is the record for the most home runs hit in a single Major League Baseball season;
Whereas during the 1998 Major League Baseball season, Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals and other fine players have challenged the Major League Baseball single-season home run record, bringing great excitement to the 1998 Major League Baseball season and capturing the imagination of the people of the United States and baseball fans around the world;
Whereas Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals has been subjected to intense pressure and media scrutiny, but has conducted himself with uncommon grace, class, and dignity, and has been a first-rate role model for the young people of St. Louis, the State of Missouri, and the United States; and
Whereas on September 8, 1998, Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals hit his 62nd home run of the 1998 Major League Baseball season, breaking the Major League Baseball single-season home run record: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives congratulates and commends Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals--
(1) for breaking the Major League Baseball single-season home run record;
(2) for bringing great excitement to the 1998 Major League Baseball season; and
(3) for being an inspiration to the youth of America and the world and baseball fans everywhere.
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